Sometimes what gets treated as self care is actually just basic needs; food, rest, sleep, water, play, love. When basic needs get set aside for the pursuit of achieving a goal or external mission, break down starts to happen.

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HEALING// Putting Yourself Back Together After Burnout

I always expect healing to be a straight trajectory. But it isn't. Taking two steps forward then one back still means you’re taking steps, even if they’re one at a time or sideways. Although it kind of sucks, deep healing is probably essential if we genuinely want to change, to be better for ourselves, everyone else, and the planet.

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“WE WERE LATE JUST TO ARRIVE” - Rethinking Feeling Off-Track

And what if a series of things that feel off track are actually happening to get you on track? But because it’s night, you can't see where you’re going… and then maybe you’ll see that you're late just to arrive.

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“We can’t just CONSUME our way to a more sustainable world”

When you scroll through Instagram and look at pictures of things in jars you may get the feeling that you're making less waste, but you’re actually just on your phone… The reality is that we can't consume our way out of a situation that is a result of over consumption.

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TELLING THE TRUTH// Softening into Authenticity for Real Connection

Authenticity to me feels like finally stopping after running for a really long time. Breathing. Feeling still in my body, not my mind. A slow inhale and exhale. The place where you don’t have to hold on anymore, a releasing and deep vulnerability towards yourself. Softening.

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TURN THE PAGE// Write Your Story

All day we’re presented with opportunities to tell a different story, to make new choices that move the narrative of our lives in any direction. And this can be as simple as a shift in perspective, changing how we think about ourselves or our situation.

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INSTAVERSARY// Two Years on Instagram

Social media can be a powerful tool for connection and a catalyst for inspiring change. But if you aren't using it in an intentional or conscious way, it may not serve its greatest usefulness, and may have the reverse effect, limiting your ability to be present…

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And these things; the ways we hold on, grasp and tighten, are what get in the way of connection, compassion and love; with ourselves, with others, with our body or breath, and gratitude for beauty in the present moment.

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HABITS// Make it Easy to Quit Single-use Plastics

Breaking habits is difficult, but it’s totally possible. A lot of the time it means getting really honest with yourself, accepting that you may need something specific to make a real change. The first step can be figuring out what’s best suited to who you are.

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STAYING OPEN// Courage, Vulnerability and Authenticity

When I started making changes in my life and working towards minimalism and zero waste, I never thought it would bring me to my heart. And if I knew that’s where it would lead me, to be honest, I might not have had enough courage to start. It wasn’t until the space was cleared that I truly started listening.

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