Posts tagged personal growth
TRUTH RISES AT VARIABLE SPEEDS// The Window of Opportunity in "Before" and "After"

I’m starting to believe (based on experience and intuition) that there are certain times in our life where we are like a vessel. A set of circumstances happens, world or personal events line up and some part of life cracks open.

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ARE YOU ON YOUR PATH// Practice, Change and Accepting the Past

If you're working to change and interested in growth, there will be slip ups; when you-know you know better but cave to an old pattern anyway. You can consciously be aware that something is not healthy, and still do it. This is part of the process of change.

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MAKING SPACE// Calling In and Letting Go

The nature of bringing certain things into your life
will require movement.
Shifting, clearing, releasing.
Calling in requires space,
And space is made by letting go.

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CHANGE// Zero Waste Living Doesn’t Happen Overnight.

Changing how you live doesn’t happen overnight. Often we want quick results, but that’s not how things work… We do our best. And sometimes it will be great, and other times it won’t.

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UPLEVELLING// Facing Your Shadow

Rising from a place of destruction, preparing to face things you’d rather not, is like gathering every possible tool for your toolbelt, ready for excavation.

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HEALING// Putting Yourself Back Together After Burnout

I always expect healing to be a straight trajectory. But it isn't. Taking two steps forward then one back still means you’re taking steps, even if they’re one at a time or sideways. Although it kind of sucks, deep healing is probably essential if we genuinely want to change, to be better for ourselves, everyone else, and the planet.

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INSTAVERSARY// Two Years on Instagram

Social media can be a powerful tool for connection and a catalyst for inspiring change. But if you aren't using it in an intentional or conscious way, it may not serve its greatest usefulness, and may have the reverse effect, limiting your ability to be present…

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And these things; the ways we hold on, grasp and tighten, are what get in the way of connection, compassion and love; with ourselves, with others, with our body or breath, and gratitude for beauty in the present moment.

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