WHAT ARE YOU HOLDING ONTO// Letting Go Creates Space

Quote image reading “Holding on is holding you back” from Courtney Carver @bemorewithless

When we start to think about letting go (objects, foods, routines, beliefs, expectations, relationships) we often first approach it from the perspective of loss. We anticipate that by giving something up, we will have less and will be lacking (now or in a possible future) and that letting go decreases our happiness.

But what if the opposite is true, and that when we let go, instead of being without and feeling loss, we actually experience growth, freedom and possibility. The Minimalists ask the question "how might your life be better with less?" And we can apply this question not only to physical items, but also to habits, commitments, expectations or activities. How might your life be better with less? If you had less stuff, would you have more free time? If you had fewer obligations, would you be more relaxed? If you had less sugar, would you gain more energy?

Letting go of holding on isn’t about being without- It’s about creating space. Less becomes more. Is it possible that it’s actually the holding on that holds you back?

For determining which items in my own home are holding me back from my ideal life I like to ask the question “would I buy this again today?” If the answer is no, it’s a pretty good indication that I’m just holding onto it because it’s there, not because I need or like it. This question helps me figure out what’s relevant to me now in the moment and helps me let go of physical items that signify stale ideas or past interests.

We might keep nostalgic items because we feel afraid or scared of letting go- but what if we approach it a different way, and ask ourselves “what do I gain by letting this go?” I’ve found that when you let go of items that you’re afraid or hesitant to part with, what you’re actually letting go of is your own fear and attachments. The item is just a thing that symbolizes emotional attachment.

What if it’s the holding on that holds you back?

(This post was inspired by this quote/graphic from Courtney Carver of Be More With Less)